Sustainability Education for Study Abroad
Educational Resources for Study Abroad Offices and Travelers

Membership Program
With a sustainability membership, universities, study abroad providers and students will have access to innovative resources in sustainability education that are specific to study abroad programs.
Member fees afford a tremendous value to students and professionals looking to transform the study abroad experience in the era of climate change immediately. Annual rates are below.
Professional: $199
Student: $75
To take advantage, click on the "Join Now" button.
Bound International also offers a Sustainability Consulting service that allows clients to do an in-depth self-assessment of current sustainability performance, with one-on-one consultations and a customized roadmap post-assessment to provide critical direction in accelerating sustainability initiatives. To apply, email
Two study abroad applicants can win a FREE Student Sustainability Membership for one year by contributing a blog post (2 pages max) on the following topics. Selected features will be published on our website:
- Sustainable Travel Tips while studying abroad
- How Gen Z can elevate the conversation around climate change
- How to be an advocate for Climate Action or Climate Justice

To take advantage of this offer, email
Member Resources

Carbon onsetting
We will offer university and study abroad office members the opportunity to onset carbon emissions and support campus or community-based solutions to global warming. We will help members measure their emissions using a custom calculator, offer supporting materials and a set up a Team Fund to help students understand the impact of their travel and contribute monies towards a project of choice. The carbon onsetting program is available for all professional members per office. This service will be provided in partnership with Earth Deeds.

Destination Reports
Professional and student members will have access to detailed and informative reports that profile unique aspects of different countries in relation to environmental sustainability and climate change. These reports will assist study abroad students prepare for their experience to a particular destination using a sustainability lens.

Pre-Departure Video
Members will be able to watch an engaging and informative video that orients them to the climate crisis and offers suggestions on how to travel more sustainably. Professionals can use the video to advise study abroad students and students can use the video to prepare for their upcoming trip.

Re-Entry Video
Members will also be able to watch an instructional video that helps study abroad
students process their recent experience through an intercultural and sustainability lens. Students will learn how to pivot from their trip abroad to a more informed lifestyle and ways to advance their knowledge in sustainability education.

COIL Curricula
Professional members will have access to recommended curricula that may be used in any academic course, but particularly for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) courses. Curricula will focus on sustainability themes, activities and resources and will be tailored to different academic subjects. These resources are being designed to assist faculty with infusing important sustainability education into their in-person and virtual courses without having to feel like a sustainability education expert!

Certificate of Achievement
Professional members will have the opportunity to undergo a comprehensive self-assessment, using a sustainability-oriented self-reporting framework, to measure your Study Abroad Office, or Organization's, sustainability performance. The framework will draw upon best practices within sustainability education and be tailored to meet the needs of study abroad offices and study abroad providers for all study abroad programming. An additional consultancy fee will apply except for the first 3 participating members on a first come-first served basis.

Advocacy Guide
Student members will be guided on how to advocate for more sustainable travel and the importance of international academic mobility through key recommendations. Students will learn how to make the most of their study abroad experiences and/or desire for a healthier planet that doesn’t seek to eliminate travel.
What are the Benefits?
The benefits of these resources are numerous. This is the time to learn more about sustainable travel and engage in action. Travel is a fundamental way to strengthen human development, but its environmental costs must be taken into account.
Key Benefits:
Study abroad offices and individual travelers increasingly grapple with how to enjoy programs abroad while also having an active care for the planet. Bound International, and its partner, Earth Deeds, will identify a pathway by which travel-related emissions can be calculated and how to onset those emissions by directly benefitting a community or organization of choice. Onsetting provides a more thoughtful and impactful way to reconcile the environmental impact of travel in a way that carbon offsetting trends currently do not.